Cigar smoking has been on the rise in recent years, with the U. S. Tobacco Association reporting a 28% increase in sales in 1994. This surge in popularity has been attributed to Cigar Aficionado, a magazine that celebrates the pleasures of smoking cigars and features interviews with famous cigar smokers such as Bill Cosby, Whoopi Goldberg, and Tom Selleck. The magazine has over 500,000 readers, despite criticism that it would be seen as a joke due to the pressure to quit smoking.
The objective of cigar smoking is to provide an atmosphere in which the scent of cigarettes can be enjoyed, and where customers can buy and smoke top quality cigars in public. According to the trade group, more than 2 billion cigars were sold to 10 million smokers in the same year. Holman predicted that the number of women who smoked cigars would grow, citing Madonna, Demi Moore, and Linda Evangelista as examples. Among current users of each tobacco product, the prevalence of frequent use (more than 20 days out of the previous 30 days) ranged from 16.8% of cigar smokers to 34.1% of users of smokeless tobacco products.
People who don't inhale cigarette smoke are still at risk of mouth and pharyngeal cancer due to nicotine absorption through the mouth, which can also cause coronary problems.